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A.W. Cox: The C-TV Grant

The C-TV Grant- A.W. Cox School. The purpose of the project was to create a student-centered television broadcast studio to promote academic achievement in reading, support school climate initiatives and improve school communications. Students create and produce live and videotaped production quality news and feature presentations. Programing promotes collaboration by allowing other students, via a Wiki, to express their reaction to broadcast segments.


Guilford High School: iPad Mini Grant

The GHS iPad Mini Grant funded a pilot project will that allows the school district to explore the many learning opportunities offered by tablet  technology. Data will be gathered from a variety of projects and learning experiences, and across disciplines, providing critical information about maximizing effectiveness of tablet use for students and staff.


Guilford High School: Literature, Law and Freedom Project

The  Literature, Law and Freedom project brought two extraordinary professors and authors to Guilford High School for an interdisciplinary exploration of the idea of freedom with English and Social studies students. Mark S. Weiner, a professor of law at Rutgers University, explored a range of culturally influenced conceptions of freedom and discussed how different ideas play out on the world stage. Stephanie Kuduk Weiner, an English professor at Wesleyan, brought a literary perspective to the discussion, exploring, through poetry, the tension between self-expression and social norms. 


Shakespeare on the Shoreline Summer Camp

Shakespeare on the Shoreline Summer Camp provided youth the opportunity to learn the art of acting and theatrical production from professional actors.  The camp not only allowed participants to oversee a production from conception to finished product, but also offers the opportunity to become involved in a collaborative artistic endeavor that speaks to their own needs, desires, dreams, and aspirations. Fostering technical skills, interpersonal communication, strong work ethic, and professional conduct, the camp promoted learning outside classroom walls and the chance to develop crucial life skills.


Melissa Jones: "Fill a Bucket!"

The “Fill a (Melissa Jones) Bucket!” grant pilots a kindness program, creating a universal language for participants to use. It frames children’s negative behavior more as a temporary slip  than a permanent label, making it seem more possible to change behavior for the better. It helps children practice kindness (through journaling) and unites them toward a common goal, and can begin to provide the foundation necessary for a sound emotional and social self. Students feel engaged and will achieve at higher levels when the classroom environment is safe physically, emotionally, and intellectually.


The Reading Workshop Grant

The reading workshop grant allowed four elementary school teachers from the Melissa Jones School to come together with teachers from across the United States for a one week summer institute at Teachers College. Columbia University, designed for educators who are committed to turning classrooms into richly literate reading and writing workshops


The Guilford Keeping Society

The Guilford Keeping Society was awarded a grant for a program for middle and high school students, enabling the Guilford Keeping Society to inspire a new generation to preserve, protect and make available to historians, students, and the general public the resources of the Society, the Historical Room at the Guilford Free Library and Guilford’s five historic house museums


Guilford Lakes School: Apple Grant

Tara Beatty, a special Education teacher at Guilford Lakes School was awarded an Apple Grant to attend a workshop at the Benhaven Learning Network in North Haven CT on The Verbal Behavior Approach for Teaching Students with Autism.


Guilford Art Center: "Art of the Masters" Project

Through the “Art of the Masters” project, Guilford Art Center instructors travelled to the Guilford Before and After Care program, introducing students to the work of artists such as Van Gogh, O’Keefe, and Picasso, and leading them in hands-on projects inspired by these works. The project  culminated with an art celebration, in which students’ works were framed and displayed. The project encouraged self expression, nurtured creativity, and fostered self confidence and critical thinking in children who may not otherwise have the opportunity to enroll in after-school arts programming.

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