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A Positive Way to Ease into the Day


The GFFE is excited to announce the Teamwork Tools Mini Grant for all First Grade classrooms at AW Cox Elementary School. The mini grant encourages social emotional learning with the use of non-academic, STEM based materials. Every day, students will transition into school with ease knowing they can start the day designing, building, and creating in small groups in the classroom with their peers.

First Grade Teacher Cristina Iaccarino noticed how the morning can be a difficult time for structured academic activities. Often students arrive at different times, others leave the classroom for breakfast, and some may take longer to transition from home to school.

Ms. Iaccarino recognizes that a "soft start" to the day allows for students to "arrive and dive" into play with their peers. Teachers are able to observe students in their free play time and students are able to practice their social skills with low stress activities.

The grant will provide all of the First Grade classrooms at AW Cox with wooden geometric tangrams, educational building blocks, magnetic sticks and tiles, math link cubes and other fun learning resources.

Thank you Ms. Iaccarino for your dedication to all of the First Grade students at AW Cox Elementary School. And thank you for implementing a fun, positive way to ease into the day!

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