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GFFE Funds Nature School Mark Making Grant for CNS

GFFE Site Editor

The Community Nursery School has been awarded the Nature School Mark Making Grant to

further expand the growing preschool program with resources and materials for writing. The

Nature School at CNS is unique in that the entire program takes place outdoors in nature’s

classroom. The GFFE is thrilled to support teacher Julia Souvlis with the materials and

resources needed to enhance literacy skills at the Nature School program.

Preschool students in the Nature School program are outdoors, making observations, connecting with the earth, and appreciating the beauty of the natural world. With the Nature School Mark Making Grant, students will now be able to expand their learning as writers of this beautiful world. With a classroom that takes place entirely outside, students require different tools and materials. Waterproof paper, portable writing surfaces, crayon rocks, and weathertight bins are among the many items supported by this grant. The GFFE is so incredibly excited for the students in the Nature School program!

Thank you to teacher Julia Souvlis for your commitment to the limitless possibilities in outdoor education!



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